RE121 to Malta AI and Blockchain on 7 to 8 Nov 2019

25th October 2019 RE121 0 Comments

photo of the main page of the event

The third edition of the AI ​​and blockchain of Malta is starting from 7 to 8 November 2019. An event that in only two editions has been able to build a place on the World technology calendar as the main platform in which stat-ups and companies perform and participate to the debate on artificial intelligence, blockchain and this year also of medical care.

The latter is booming and a sector, the medical one, is always very reactive to technological innovations.

Also this year there will be more than 14,000 exhibitors, investors, suppliers and thought leaders, who in the past editions met and have made new partnerships and signed profitable commercial agreements even after the event.

In this third edition, the event will offer even more networking, high quality content and more business opportunities.

Each edition, not just the blockchain as mentioned before, is characterized by a topic in combination. This year there is also the Medical Cannabiz World (as part of MALTA WEEK), so there will be new opportunities for networking.

main stage last event

This event is an event in which the RE121 also participates, this year with a change from the previous year. It was established as an innovative start-up with its registered office in London and will present itself with a working prototype of DashBoard. Let us remember, the RE121 presents a new way of doing business, promoting a platform that allows, thanks to BlockChain technology, to be able to buy and sell any property that can be checked. So, with a simple click you can buy real estate, parts of companies, participate in auctions and search for funds, simply from a platform and in complete safety thanks to blockchain technology.

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